Friday, August 23, 2013

Since Becoming a Mother

There are many new truths I've learned since becoming a mom. These may not be something that every mom experiences, but they have rang true for me since day one.

Here are a few things I've learned:

First truth about motherhood: Sometimes after extensive baby wrangling you'll end up with an unidentified wet spot on some part of your clothing. This could be spit up. Could be pee. Could be drool. Could be a multitude of other unmentionables. But usually you are so busy cleaning house, trying to put said baby down for a nap, making yourself a rare meal or scrambling trying to get baby and yourself ready for work that you just don't care.

Second truth: Advice about mothering is everywhere and will be shared in a variety of ways. ALL OF THE TIME. While mothering can be scary and uncertain, following your heart about how to be the best mother you can be is usually good enough for you and baby. We're given mothering instincts for a reason!

Third truth: Mommy guilt is completely irrational. After a long day at work, (whether you work in an office or at home) with little sleep the night before, you get home and you desperately need a break. You tell your husband, or partner that you desperately need that break and they take the baby off your hands for you for a little while. The second they do, your arms immediately feel empty and the guilt begins to creep in. And you miss that little one. You do. Sometimes you need to tell that inner voice to shut the heck up so you can take a little time to indulge in a bubble bath, or at the very least browse Facebook and Instagram uninterrupted.

Fourth truth: Babies poop. A lot. (well at least mine does, sorry for TMI!). So just because you hear the unmistakable sound of a diaper being dirtied, don't get too excited and immediately jump up to change the diaper. Because if you do, about a minute later, you'll have another dirty diaper on your hands. And those things are NOT cheap, yo.

Fifth truth: You probably won't get a good night's sleep again for a very long time. If you adhere to the "wait it out" mentality like I do (versus cry it out) you better just accept that good sleep is like getting to see a mythical unicorn. It's just not gonna happen. Unless you are high. And in that case, you probably shouldn't be taking care of a baby. Just sayin' ;)

Lastly: Don't blink. Because if you do, your baby will soon be standing and trying to crawl and cutting teeth. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. At this rate, he'll be asking for the keys to the car and graduating from high school before I know it. I'm keeping my eyes wide open.

Okay, enough sap.

Gratuitous baby pic: 

Have a great Friday everyone :D

P.S. Also, you can now subscribe to my blog via email! This might make it easier for some of you who like to follow along but don't have a google account. Thanks to my friend Savannah for reminding me about this option with her blog :)


  1. Don't blink - hilarious! And so true. Love it!

  2. Thanks for the shout out. I will subscribe! You have a very cute blog. I'm still trying to figure everything out. Maybe you could give me some pointers. Anyways, Jack is so cute. Don't worry (here comes that wretched advice :)) The guilt of taking a break will soon turn into desperation for a break and immediate relief when you get one. Once that baby is on the move and into everything and wants to be mama's best friend and shadow, more insanity starts to kick in. At least, for me. I felt less guilty and more willing to take "me" time when I stopped breastfeeding. Even though we are in different circumstances (you work, I stay home all day with the kid) make sure to take some "me" time when you are feeling frustrated.

    1. Thanks! I love your blog too. Glad you are doing one. Pointers available anytime! I am still learning a lot about all of it too, but it's been fun. I need to get better at web design so I can make a more personalized layout.

      I appreciate you telling it like it is. lol. Jack is already like my little clingon. Wants to be held 24/7, so I definitely know that for the sake of my sanity I need a little respite every once in a while. Really nervous for when he becomes mobile. haha.
