Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Photo Dump

A brief recap of my bday:

It was awesome! Nice and relaxing. We went shoe/purse shopping (for me, obvs) and went out to lunch while my mom watched Jack for us. Guess he pretty much slept the entire time so I didn't miss out on too much.

Selfie at lunch. (see new watch from mom?)
Distracted Dan
My new shoes! (I got a pair of flats too but haven't gotten a pic yet.)
New purse. $10 score from Aeropostle!
My mom and brother Rusty also helped me celebrate by getting me some fun presents, a new watch from my mom and a neat paint set from Rusty (course he helped me try it out!)

Then Daniel and I went home and watched The Host, which he bought me for my bday gift :) I'd been wanting to watch the movie since it came out in theater in late March, but with a squishy little newborn at home, I just wasn't ready to leave him to go watch it. It was good! Not as good as the book, of course, but still enjoyable. I am not a Twilight fan so I was surprised to really like this other book by Stephanie Meyer. I fervently endorse it!

The rest of this week has gone well. Tuesday was the funeral for Dorothy, Daniel's step dad's mother. It was a beautiful service and really made me reflect on my own life and how I hope it to go with my family.

Also, Jack and I are famous. Well, my name has always been out in the Southern Utah public because of my regular byline on the front page of The Spectrum, but recently our advertising department has been working on some new inserts for the paper to help put faces with our names and they came up with this. The photographer came to my house like three weeks or something after Jack was born to get the photo. He was so little!

Also, who said my baby boy could grow up? Seriously?? What is up with all of the sitting up?! He will sit like this for as long as you let him or until he gets bored. lol.

No bumbo required!
Yesterday when I tried putting him into his bouncy seat, he just kept wanting to sit up straight. lol. Crazy kid.
TGIF, everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend.


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