Saturday, July 13, 2013

26 years and 4 months!

We are celebrating a couple different milestones today on the blog! First, my baby boy is officially 4 months old! Dang, kid. STOP growing. He is going to be a year old before I even know it. In some ways I feel like time is just flying by, but in other ways I feel like I have been a mom for so long and he has been part of our lives forever. :)

In second milestone news, this one's mine: It's MAH BIRTHDAYYY. I'm 26, folks. Although if you asked the lady I interviewed the other day for an article, I'm still 19. (that's how old she said I looked.) Whatev, I'll take it. I used to hate looking younger for my age, but as I get older, it's something I appreciate.

Today Daniel and I are dropping Mr. Jack off with my mom and we are going on a day date :D I'm pretty excited about it! Going to miss my boy, but it's only for a few hours.

We had Jack's 4-month well check this week and he got his shots. Poor guy. He ended up getting a mild fever the day after and slept all day for my SIL.  Here is a before and after shot:

All happy in the before shot before the mean nurse came in and stabbed him. Second shot is him crashed once we got home. All he wanted to do was sleep it off. Can't say I blame him,

Four month stats:

He weighed in at 15 lbs 10 oz and is 25.5 inches long! Big boy! No wonder I have tendonitis in my wrist. lol. He is in the 66% for weight, 76% for height and 27% for head circumference.

Other milestones we are reaching:
  • Jack can sit up on his own now unsupported for a few minutes at a time. He still can't lift himself from a lying position to a seated one, but he's getting there.
  • He also rolls from back to front. But won't roll front to back yet. lol. Silly kid.
He sits like a pro supported in the Boppy!

We also went to the swimming pool for the first time this past weekend! He wasn't necessarily impressed, but he didn't hate it either.

Jack loves:
  • His bumbo. (it's made out of magical fairy dust. One of the few places he'll sit and chill for at least 15 minutes.)
  • His mommy (duh.)
  • His daddy (another duh.)
  • Grabbing kitty fur and trying to eat it (yuck!)
  • His monkey rattle (plays this annoying music, but he loves it, so eh.)
  • His pooh bear/tigger chime rattles.
  • His nuk binkis (yay!)
  • Eating (obvs)
We are still part-time in the Rock N Play at night and then the other half of the night is usually in his co-sleeper or sometimes in the wee hours of the morning and I can't get him back to sleep, he ends up in our bed. I am usually pretty awake myself at this time though so I just usually lay there and cuddle him.

We are still having some 4-month sleep regression issues. He is still waking up about twice a night to nurse. And really on the downside, he won't nurse to sleep at night anymore. This really bums me out. That was by far the easiest way to get him to sleep at night and helped him sleep longer stretches. Now I have to rock him or bounce him. I know, I know. I should just put him down and see if he goes to sleep on his own. And I have been trying that a little bit, but he'll usually just lay there talking to himself or making his agitated noise. (Daniel calls it the 'wrong buzzer' noise.) lol.

And I may get flack for this, but oh well. I am not into sleep training. I don't believe in it and at this point I don't plan to do it. If it means that I get less sleep at night then so be it. I believe in waiting until he is older and can actually understand what is going on to try any sort of "training." Not that I won't give him the chance to learn to self soothe, but I am certainly not going to do cry it out. I know a lot of people (some family members of mine included) believe in CIO and swear by it, and that is TOTALLY fine. Honestly, if that works for you, then great. I have no problems with people parenting the way they want (as long as it is not abusive or neglectful, obvs). I just don't think it will work for me.

Annnd moving on!

All-in-all I am loving this age. I kinda miss having a squishy little newborn (especially after seeing my cousin's adorable baby) but I also love having a baby that feels more sturdy. I love that I don't feel like I am going to break him all of the time. I also love that he giggles all of the time now and talks his little baby babble and wants to play, knows cause and effect and is so alert and happy. People tell me all of the time that Jack is one of the happiest babies they've ever seen and that is my experience too. It's awesome having such a good natured kid.

And just for kicks to see his progress:

And on a much sadder note. I thought I would mention that our family has experienced another loss this week. Just a week and a day after my grandmother's death, Daniel's step dad's mother passed away. Grandma Rowe was such a special lady and always had something sweet to say to me. She absolutely loved Jack. Her husband Phil passed away just a few days before Jack was born in fact. Now, wherever she is, I hope she and Phil are together again.

My family is still plugging along in the days since my grandma's passing. It's been hard and I'm really sad for my grandpa, but he is a tough guy. Just remembering her for the amazing lady that she was. So glad Jack got to meet her.

Hoping the rest of you have a fabulous weekend!! I'll try to remember to take a lot of photos today for my bday recap.



Oh and p.s. Just because it's your birthday apparently that does not guarantee you will at least get to sleep in. Nope, not when you're a momma I guess. :/


  1. Happy Birthday Sammy! .. I am so glad you are against the CIO! I tried it once when Mason was four months and it was so sad! I told myself I would never do that again but My sister in laws convinced me that it was the only way to get him to sleep so I tried it again when he was a year. It worked for about a week then he was back on his old schedule! It was not worth the tears! anyways sorry about your grandma, I hope you are doing ok... Have a great Birthday!

    1. Thanks!! Yeah, CIO is just not going to work for us either. lol. I think I would end up getting even worse sleep just because I would be so worried about him the entire time. LOL. Hope you are doing well, Mandy!
